Fifty four (54) years consist the continuously ascending route of the Company, which evolved from a personal enterprise on 1961 (APOSTOLOS CH. ALEXOPOULOS, Civil Engineer, Designs-Constructions) to “KL. D. SFETSIOS – AP. CH. ALEXOPOULOS O.E.” on 1963, to “DOMOTECHNIKI LTD.” on 1972 and finally to its current form with the establishment of “DOMOTECHNIKI S.A. -Technical, Commercial, Industrial and Touristic Enterprises” on 1978.
Today, DOMOTECHNIKI S.A. is the biggest Construction Company of Northern Greece, with the 6th grade Certificate of the Greek State for public works, whereas its main activities are urban and suburban development, hotel units and complexes, industrial units, banks and office buildings, logistic centers, supermarkets, sports centers, renovation and restoration, infrastructure projects, bridges and road networks, airports and harbor installations, electro-mechanical and energy projects, fuel stations as well as construction and project management.
The route of the company is highlighted with many of the landmark projects in the city of Thessaloniki such as:
For more than half a century, the activities of DOMOTECHNIKI S.A. cover the whole greek territory, including the following representative major projects:
In particular, the execution of specific works inside industrial areas and the turn-key construction of industrial units consist a Company’s important sector, whereas the investment in material infrastructure and specialized personnel has led to the award of major projects to the Company, with the most prevailing being the following:
The effective organization structure and fruitful operation of Domotechniki S.A. is certified with the quality system ISO 9001:2008 for design, construction, installation, project and construction management of building, hydraulic, harbor, electromechanical, industrial, power and road construction works. The above certification guarantees not only the implementation of qualitative system management but also the consistency in constructing projects of paramount quality. Moreover, Domotechniki S.A. acquires the following certifications: EN ISO 14001 for environmental management and ELOT 1801 (OHSAS 18001) for health and safety management at work.
DOMOTECHNIKI S.A. is also certified with the first star of the European Standard EFQM “Committed to Excellence” after the successful evaluation of its new processes for measuring employee satisfaction, evaluation and development of human resources and improvement of the selection and ongoing evaluation of its partners through market surveys and other monitoring tools. This success ranks DOMOTECHNIKI S.A. among the distinguished Companies and Organizations worldwide that achieved the 1st Level of Business Excellence.